Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

contoh surat permohonan dalam bahasa inggris

Palembang, 17 January 2011

The honourable,
American Host Families
Los Angeles, California

Dear Mr.
According to the ad that I read the ‘Spend a Month with an American Family’ in daily ‘Seputar Indonesia ‘on 12 January 2011 I was intending to participate in these activity.
            My name is Randi Mahardika, I live in palembang, place and date of birth Palembang 17th August 1992, I have a very good health condition, and I can speak English both orally and writing. Now, I am studying at the Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. I have a height 169 cm, my weight 57 pounds, brown skin, straight black hair, round eyes, and have a good personality,  and I am a serious person, optimistic, diligent, and sociable.
            I hope I can participate in these activities and can find family when I was in the U.S. later. Thus my application letter, and thank you for your attention.


                                                                   Randi Mahardika

2 komentar:

together we can mengatakan...

ijin copas ya gan, buat belajar siswa smp bikin surat permohoan. trims

bima wahyu mengatakan...

kalo contoh surat permohonan kepada dekan fakultas gimana ya

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